Most Popular Websites in the World

Been out of this blog for quite a long time due to my exams. But I am back now, and this time I have something informative and which may be useful to some.

No doubt that the 'most' popular website in the world is Google, considering its traffic share and page views. Google recently published list of top 1000 most visited websites on the web. But surprisingly, Google didnot feature in the list.

The top website(according to Google, but Google itself!) is Facebook, with a reach of 39.2% and page views of 680,000,000,000!! It is followed by Youtube which has a reach of 31.8% and page views of 76,000,000,000.

Some interesting websites on the list:

  •, is the eighth most viewed website in the world. It is a search engine and has page views counting to 14,000,000,000.
  • is the only website in the top 10 list which has no advertisements in it. It runs solely on charity.(If you think wiki is good and you want it to keep running, then go and donate some money)
  •'s Indian portal) holds the #14 in the most viewed list. This is the top country domain website(other than at #12) in the world.
List of most popular websites(links):