Ground Zero

I am trying to keep up the 'unusual' tag alive for my blog, let it be its name or the contents.A little add-up to my archive which can be informational.

Recently while reading an article, I came across the term 'Ground Zero'. I had heard about some PC Games being named as Ground Zero, but never knew what it actually means.
So, I did a 'little research' and found out what it actually is!

Ground Zero is a geographical term since it is related to 'ground'. Ground Zero is the point on the ground where an explosion occurs. So, I can round it off as "a point on the ground where a bomb zeros in"? This term is not only associated with explosions from bombs(not crackers but nuclear bombs and large bombs) but also natural
disasters like earthquakes,epidemics,etc. It is the point of origin of the disaster on the ground. The term was originated during the bombing of Japan in 1946.

So next time you hear someone whispering 'Ground Zero' near you, run out of the place!!


  1. Oh "ground zero" hah. I have learned something new today. Thanks for sharing. Very informative. I am just blog hopping

  2. Random Trivia: In Pokemon Black and White, there's actually a Ground Zero in the game, which a lot of people think refers to the September 11 attacks Ground Zero.


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